the Mission:

Share Sound.

Scientia Sounds is a space for sharing the benefits of sound therapy and gong immersions. Led by gong expert Phil McNamara, Scientia provides education on the latest scientific research and therapeutic benefits in the field. 

Phil facilitates unique teachings in player education, rooted in sharing technical playing skills and understanding the unique physicalities of gongs and associated equipment.

His courses, events, and contribution to research continue to impact the development of the practice and academia of sound therapy.


scientia. SOUND.

After many years as a gong player, sound healer and percussionist, Phil McNamara is creating a growing, engaged community and platform for those interested in sound as a therapuetic tool. He’s also developing a platform for the sharing of research and learnings by a global community of gong players, whilst continuing to hold his own gong bath events and sound healing trainings.

About Phil


scientia. SCIENCE.

The popularity of the gong and application of sound as both a meditation tool and a therapy is rapidly expanding. With over 10 years of experience working with gong players and clients, and a background in qualitative research, Phil McNamara is uniquely qualified to lead the curation of research into the benefits of sound.

Phil’s ongoing project “Sounding the Future” is an opportunity for gong players from around the world to submit their findings from working directly with clients, as well as sharing experience and ideas with fellow players and therapists. Find out more about the community and how to contribute to one of the most important scientific research projects by clicking below.



years as a therapeutic gong player

… and over 45 working with gongs in music! Phil has played in world record attempts, at workshops on 3 continents, and is one of just a small number of people to have received direct tutelage in the making of a gong from the industry’s master maker at Border Oetken’s factory in Germany.



Gongs in his personal collection

Phil bought his first gong in 1985 and from this start has grown one of the most expansive collections in Europe. His gong room includes rarities and unique commissions as well as a range of unique gongs from all over the world.



clients treated and assessed

Playing regular group events as well as maintaining a private client list, assisting on the College of Sound Healing Practitioner Course, and participating in global sound events has given Phil a broad range of opportunities for research and development.


scientia. KNOWLEDGE.

Scientia educational programs have evolved from extensive experience of delivering workshops and certified training modules, working alongside a number of the key standard-setting bodies in the field of sound and complementary therapies. We believe in the importance of remaining a student - staying always open to the sharing of new ideas and techniques, and Phil’s continued participation in education worldwide has informed the creation of his own full-spectrum programme. Offerings range from introductory workshops for enthusiasts to fully accredited training courses designed specifically for those planning to join Phil in making the practice of therapeutic sound their career.



Philip McNamara has just raised the bar and created a very important portal for the study, performance, and gathering for the Gong Space. This is critically important at this stage of Gong Culture worldwide.

Mitch Nur, Gong Practitioner & Colleague

