Broder eventually left Paiste after that company wanted to concentrate on its Symphonic and Planet gong ranges whereas Broder wanted to carry on with developing new gong sounds in the tradition of the Sound Creation series.
He has set up his own gong making company - Oetken Gongs. With access to the foundries supplying blanks for Paiste, he was originally commissioned to produce a range of tam-tams for the Meinl Company. These ‘Symphonic Tam-Tams’ were first displayed at the Frankfurt Musikmesse in 2011. He is also producing the Planetary Tuned Gongs and Wu Xing gong ranges for Meinl as well as gongs for Olli Hess. He has also worked with individual gong players to produce gongs for their needs.
Broder has also developing his own range of gongs in between the commissions for Meinl and others. His first bespoke gongs were a pair of ‘Sol’ or Sun gongs made at my suggestion and tuned to B1 but 36" (90cm) in diameter with radial scrape marks. He has since made the ‘Erda’ gong which is 36" (90cm) in diameter and tuned to C2#. Other Oetken gongs include a Thor’s Hammer gong, a heart gong, (designed with Graham Bater) several Earth gongs and gongs made as tributes to the legendary Walter Meyer. Broder can also produce symphonic gongs and planetary tuned gongs. He also runs a gong making workshop once a year where you can try your hand at making a 16’’ gong!