Since the 1960’s there has been a growing interest in research on the affects of sound on the body and whether this sound can be used to heal. Hans Jenny, Dr Peter Manners, Dr Alfred Tomatis, Guy Berard, Fabien Maman and Masaru Emoto to name a few. This research continues today and much can be found on the internet. A particularly interesting research project is the ‘Gene Om’ project run by the Sound Healing Research Project in the USA ( that is ‘mapping’ the various organs of the human body to determine the resonant frequency of these organs.

However, research on using gongs to aid human ailments is very much in its infancy and very disjointed, where it exists at all.  Work is going on (for instance using EEG machines to look at changes in brainwave patterns during a gong bath) but very little is published.

Scientia Gongs  (literally Science Gongs) aims to address some of this by encouraging practitioners to write down their experiences of using one gong on a person and recording their observations.

Until now much of the observed ‘effects’ of gongs (and Planet Gongs in particular) has been hearsay, verbal stories promulgated by various practitioners and social media or on courses. Don Conreaux’s book “Gongs of the Solar System’ list combination of planet gongs for affecting various conditions and Hans Cousto’s book ‘The Cosmic Octave’ details how Planetary Tunings can be used to heal or transform issues within the body. These books, along with other ‘intuitive’ notes on sound healers websites form the basis of the current focus of healing using gongs.

Whilst these books and websites are a good starter for 10, along with Intention, which is now being shown to have a scientific basis (see Lynne McTaggarts book ‘The Intention Experiment), the medical world and ‘Joe Public’ need something more concrete, more tangible. This is what Scientia Gongs is setting out to achieve.

Before any ‘experiments’ can be carried out, we need to write down our observations of using one gong on one individual. Once we have amassed enough observations, they can be analysed to look for recurring patterns e.g. When using a Mercury Planet gong, a chesty mucus cough disappeared overnight.  Experiments can then be carried out to look at the frequencies generated by a Mercury gong and attempt to determine which are affecting the lungs or mucus membranes in this way.

The data will be captured by using the observation sheet and when completed, uploading it to this website. The data will be analysed by a small gong therapy practitioner team and their conclusions published on this and other websites in due course.

If you would like to participate in this adventure please register your interest below.